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Monday Night Dharma Talk & Meditation August 22, 2022

The Buddha's Last Teachings

This dharma talk centers around teachings from The Mahāparinibbāṇa Sutta which is a story about the last year of the Buddha's life.

This text has two main themes:

  1. The Buddha wanted to leave his teachings as guidance for his followers to empower them.
  2. The Buddha wanted to encourage his followers to foster wise relationships to one another in the spiritual community and to the world.


Dharma Talk



Let your body be present and also relaxed. As you let go, feel how the Earth completely supports you. Let the heart be soft to receive whatever arises with compassion. Begin to notice how the body is breathing itself, exchanging air with the leaves of the trees around you and with the breath of every other living being on Earth—we share this atmosphere.



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